7 Key points on Rapport Building over the Phone

Key learning points on rapport building over the phone

Body Language and building rapport is about communicating to the person's conscious but more so the subconscious mind. Naturally, we all have barriers or filters or guards that we have put up that body language and rapport building tips and techniques helps even while conversing over the phone.

These body language skills and rapport building tips and techniques will assist you in your work place with your boss, co-workers, subordinates and customers as well as in your personal life and more.

  • Remember that rapport is about being a friend
  • Use your active listening skills and become aware of the other person's emotional driver or mood. It will be either a 'movement away from pain' or a 'planned movement towards pleasure'
  • Excellence in communication can be achieved through a conscious effort put in to your use of tonality.
Be congruent in tone and words. Really mean what you say

  • Stand Up! Try a more upright sitting position, or even stand up to build rapport.
Even though you are talking over the phone and the recipient will not be able to see you, standing up adds professionalism and alertness to your speech which is felt by the receiver on the other end. It really works!

  • Smile! Again, even thought they cannot see you, the smile will carry over in your tone and be felt by the person on the other end of the phone call.
  • Remember that 'clean language' is a quick win strategy for creating rapid rapport.

Rapport building acts as the foundation for getting what you want, to building trust and getting the other person to like you and feel comfortable with you, and in a sales situation to the introduction of products and services that could benefit the customer. Without establishing rapport, you are unlikely to get the results you desire.

Read the series on How to use Rapport Techniques on the Phone

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Instant Rapport

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Powerful 'Mirroring Technique' in Body Language (Series)

How to SYNCHRONIZE Body Language--Instant Rapport Building Technique!

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