With rapport you can much more easily...
- create a feeling of connection - like you're someone's long lost friend
- convey trust
- generate empathy
- communicate on an unconscious level with everyone you meet to get what you want - when you want it!
One of the biggest benefits of having other people like you is that they become eager to help take care of your needs and desires and enjoying relationships with other people is a major factor contributing to longevity and happiness.
If you make the right first impression, demonstrating that you are sincere, safe and trustworthy, you can initiate the building of a lasting rapport within 90 seconds.
Projecting the Right Attitude
Your attitude determines the quality of your relationships. When you project a “really useful attitude,” one that is cheery, interested and helpful, other people will want to be around you. Your attitude sets the quality and mood of your thoughts, which in turn influence your voice tone, the words you use, your facial expressions and your body language.
It’s up to you to choose your attitude. When you project the opposite attitude, they will have the opposite reaction.
Very important: Make sure your words, tone of voice and gestures are all consistent. When faced with inconsistency among these three ways of delivering a message, people pay most attention to body language, and then to tone of voice -- and surprisingly little to the actual words.
Be Like Them and They Will Like You!
We like people who are like us, so the key to establishing rapport with strangers or people that we know we have very limited time with is to learn how to be like them. This requires you to deliberately control your behavior to become sufficiently like the other person to form a connection -- at least for a short time.
Look around a restaurant or any other public place where people meet and socialize and compare those couples who are in rapport with those who are not. The ones who are in rapport lean toward one another... adopt similar arm and leg positions... talk in similar tones of voice. In short, they seem to be synchronized.
Synchronize (like the swimmers)
The quickest way to establish rapport with people you meet is to synchronize with them.
Isn't Synchronizing being phony or insincere?
Synchronizing is to help you put the other person at ease and speed up the rapport that would otherwise take longer to develop. You are not expected to make your movements, tone and voice mimic the other person’s, but just to act with him/her the same way you would if you were already friends.
Moreover, synchronizing will help put the other person at ease quicker and they will be in tune with what you have to say. Everyone wants a good working and healthy interaction and that is exactly what yow will be providing without mutual benefit in mind.
Great! I would like to know more on How to SYNCHRONIZE Body Language--Instant Rapport Building Technique!
How to use Rapport Techniques on the Phone
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