Mastering 'Mirroring' Body Language-Step by Step Guide

Step by Step Techniques to master 'Mirroring' body language:

The information on this site is very powerful and affective if applied correctly. Please be aware of this fact and use it for your benefit but NOT excluding others. In other words, practice responsibly! After all, we exist simultaneously but in different awarenesses. The aim of this site is to benefit it's readers and be more successful.

Following: Do the similar movements after they do them.

Note that although your mind might scream, "This is stupid! I'm going to get caught! This person MUST see me doing the same movements! This is ridiculous!” Don't' listen to it, fight it, it is self defeating voice in the back of your head. Why? Because they NEVER NOTICE it! Instead, they feel more comfortable and relaxed in connection with you, and eventually (that's why you even bothered, right?) - more drawn to you.

Pacing: Remember to do the movements during the same time with they are doing them.

Yes again! Sounds impossible? Well it isn't.

Have you ever noticed how you sometimes happened to do the same things at exactly the same time with another person? Maybe you yawned and then have a laugh about it? Because you thought it was accidental? Well it wasn't!

You had subconsciously reached the second stage of mirroring. There's nothing magical or supernatural about doing the movements at the same time, because essentially the second phase is a stage of transition between the first and the third.

In mirroring, there's always a leader and a follower. So far, they have been leading you (because were unaware of the mirroring technique and so you had been following).

But now you are aware because you came to InfoTank and read this article! This is the stage in the mirroring technique when YOU will be leading! And the inevitable stage between following and leading is pacing - you are doing movements simultaneously.

Leading: If you've done your mirroring right, have followed and paced from steps 1 and 2 above, then you are ready for a revelation. You can finally LEAD! This will be very empowering as you decide the mood that you want to set and what the outcome of the meeting will be.

Give it a try. Test the waters of how far you have come and if you need to still work more on steps 1 and 2 or not.

they cough.
Scratch your elbow.
Well maybe they'll scratch their shoulder instead of the elbow, but now you know that the groundwork has been laid successfully.

In addition to being a tool of building rapport, you can lead them into doing some pretty fun stuff. Do a movement with your hands mimicking the parting of legs (something you will often catch Donal Trump doing on TV when he is explaining his point) and watch their legs eventually part slightly as well.

Remember:This should be associated with something you are talking about. if it looks strange, they'll notice it and you don't want their conscious attention on your movements. The key to this mirroring technique working and your body language skills being successful is in keeping their mind busy with what you're talking about and not what you are doing with your hands or the rest of your body.

Have fun but note that we can only influence and person's mood not their behavior.

Ready for more? then click here for more Advanced Mirroring Techniques in Body Language.

Instant Rapport

How to SYNCHRONIZE Body Language--Instant Rapport Building Technique!

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