Contrary to common beliefs, knowing if someone loves you or not is simple. You just need to open your eyes for the below clues. Before you read further into this page make sure that you have more than just a basic idea of body language. Put in mind that the presence of only one signal is not enough so you should spot more than one signal before you judge the other person’s feelings.
If someone loves you or if he is extremely interested in you most probably he wont tell you directly until he makes sure of your emotions but behind the scenes his subconscious mind will keep sending you signals without he even notices that he is sending something.
All what I am going to do is tell you about those unconscious signals so that you could use them to know whether someone loves you or not.
Love Signals
Smiling:Smiling while talking to you even if there was no good reason for smiling is another strong sign. In most cases he/she will try to hide the smile so he will appear as if he wants to smile but holding himself/herselfOrientation:Orienting himself/herself in your direction even if he was standing with other people . Orienting himself means that he stands with his shoulders parallel to yours and with his toes pointing at you. For more information see The body language section
Nice or Cold? Being very nice one day and ignoring you the other day is one of the strongest sings. The logic behind this is very simple, at the beginning he treats you very nicely because he likes you but when he goes to his home he may say to himself something like “oh my god, I did show lots of signs today that am interested but I still got no response, tomorrow I should totally ignore him” So when you find someone being nice one day and cold the other day know that the positive signs he gave you may be due to positive emotions he holds for you and that the negative signs may just be a way to cover his traces
Mr/Miss Everywhere: Meeting him many times by coincidence is another sign. Off course these are not just coincidences but he may be either changing his schedule to suit yours or he may be going to the places that you usually go to in order to meet you by coincidence.
Your Friends are really Nice:starting to care more about your friends and becoming more nice to them. This is a strong sign especially if he didn’t use to care about them before.
Cancellations: Canceling his other plans in order to see you
Where are you?:Finally the person who loves you will try to keep you within his range of sight and each now and then he will take a look to make sure that you are still there.
InfoTank was created to serve as a People's Blog-YOUR blog! Because not only Practise but Information Makes One Perfect! At InfoTank you will find effective techniques that are backed by psychology and that are presented in lament terms for practical everyday implementation; not phony or confusing professional babel that cannot be used by the average person.
This article is part of a series; Read More Body Language Love Signs:
Signs that Shows that He/She likes You (Series: 1 of 4)
Signs that Show That Someone Loves You (Series: 2 of 4)
How to Know if Someone Is in Love with You (Series: 3 of 4)
Love Signs: Is He/She Interested? (Series: 4 of 4)
Read More at InfoTank on Body Language:
Body Language Secrets Revealed
Powerful 'Mirroring Technique' in Body Language (Series 1 of 4)
The Five Stage of a Successful First Encounter
7 Key Points on Rapport Building over the Phone
How to SYNCHRONIZE Body Language--Instant Rapport Building Technique!