Keywords, Density, and Content: The Holy Trinity of Google!

"To Boost your ranking with Google"

Keywords and keyword phrases.

You want to pick out about three keywords or phrases that will explain what you are writing about.

You want to sprinkle them around to keep your density up.

Why? because that is how your traffic will find you! That's the way to make the magic work!!! Out of all the websites and blogs, these keyword phrase that you will be using will direct your audience to your page and increase traffic which increases your revenue. Sounds Good?!!! Now we're on the same page.

NOTE: Do not abuse or overdue the system as you will find out the hard way what Google spiders will do!

Your keywords should be something the average searcher will type. For example, you might write something about making money online. If you use one of Google's free tools to find out good keywords like keyword track and type in make money online, it will give you all the keywords that are associated with that phrase.

You want to pick the highest ones and use those.

And Yes! everyone else will be using the same keywords as well but you want to make sure you do things the right way, the way the is more likely to succeed than to do something that is different and run the risk of it being irrelevant and not well searched by people. If you are writing about making money online, you want to pick a keyword like make more money online, Search Engine Optimization, or Affiliate Programs, and not Blogging Ideas. People won't search for that if they are want to search for making money online.

Next, is your density. To Boost your ranking with Google, you want your keywords density to be about 4 % of your entire article. This will boost your chance without putting you in the red.

When Google's spiders look for your keyword, they like to see it a lot. That will tell the spiders that this is what this article is about. You can use a tool from Google. Just type in keyword density and use the free ones.

Next is your content. To Boost your ranking with Google, you must change your content regularly.

Google's spiders hate stale and left over materials.

Understand this.
Even if you have to wright your articles over and over again putting more and more information in the mix...

...if it's keeping you on the first page, then Do It! Go For It!

Also read:

How to tame Google The Giant! The Shark! for making money online: A Blessing!