Maximize your Google Adsense Income

To maximize your Google Adsense income, you should optimize the ads on your site.

Adsense is a great opportunity for you to generate extra income for your website. It doesn’t cost you anything which is the best part!

Adsense is also simple. You have to complete an application with Google and be accepted to host advertisements for other businesses. Note, you can also opt to not show any competitors' ads on your site and still generate income. This is especially useful if you are selling a product or service through your site.

Then you simply add lines of code to the html on the pages of the website (which is very simple and is shown by Google how to do) where you are willing to have advertisements.
The Web master is paid each time a visitor clicks on one of the ads.

You don’t have to sell products or services to benefit from Adsense either. You may have an educational site or information site or blog and still make money online. Any type of website can be used for Adsense.

The amount of income you will generate online depends on how much each advertiser is willing to pay you for a per-click from your website. It also depends on the amount of advertising you do on your website. There is no cost to you for placing the ads on your website so any revenue you generate will be a profit.

So you have and website or blog and have signed up to Google Adsense and are now ready to make money online. But wait, with that all in place, how do you maximize your Google Adsense income? You have to blend the Google Adsense Ads into your website so they don’t stick out like a sore thumb? You don’t want them to distract the consumer from what you are offering on your website, that's how!

When your site and the ads on them mix well together there is a better chance of them getting clicked by the viewers and you making more money online.

Following is some information to help increase your Google Adsense earnings:

Place your ads in the upper right hand corner of your site

There are many places on your website that you can place the advertisements including your homepage, blogs, emails etc.

Studies have shown that ads placed in this position have the best click through rate (CTR) relative to other positions on your website.

The size of your ad is also a factor in your CTR.

Large rectangle ads (336x280) seem to result in higher click through rates.

Colour Pallet

When designing your Adsense ad, create a custom palette for your ad so that color of the ad’s border and background match the color of your site’s background. This makes it look less like an ad and more like a typical link.

Colour or the Ad Title

Another design tip, the color of your ad title should be the same color as other links in your website. This makes them look more like ordinary web links within your site that visitors use to move from page to page within your site.

Test the Layout

Adsense offers you useful tools as well to get everything to blend. The Google Adsense Preview tools allows you to test the layout of your homepage with the ads in place.

You can also contact their customer support 24/7 for questions or concerns you may have.

Tips to Remember:

Don't, Never place your ads at the bottom of your web page. Ads displayed at the bottom of a site tend to be much less effective than ads in other positions.

Place your ads as close as possible to the main content of your site. Placing it just above, adjacent to, or just below your content has proven to be effective.

According to Google, the most effective location is at the top of the page because the entire ad can be seen. Google also recommend using different colors for the ads to differentiate it from your website materials, but to use colors that compliment each other.

Using these Adsense techniques, some people generate hundreds and even thousand of dollars each month. Try these optimizing methods and watch your click through rates improve.