Why do I need a Good MLM Sponser? and Signs of a BAD MLM Relationship...

Why is a sponsor so important to your Home Based Business?

If you think about it, shouldn't you be able to do all the things that your sponsors did and make a great living for yourself?

Your sponsor isn't any different from you, right?

Well, let me explain why you need a good sponsor in your corner. Think back the first time you tied your shoes or the first day your parent took the training wheels off your bike.

Do you remember how hard it was for you to get the knot right or how many times you fell and scrapped your elbow?

The funny thing is you still found it to be a difficult task even with the support of a veteran who has been tying and riding for years!

Can you imagine if you had to tie your shoes or ride your bike without that support? You' probably do what Ashley did in Full House, take bubblegum and stick your shoestrings in it!

A sponsor is your tutor! They are there to make your life a whole lot easier!

I'm not saying that you can't do it on your own, because I was unfortunate to have a sponsor that was "To Busy" to train me and I did it. But, think of how much time my sponsor could had saved me IF he/she only did his job!

Having the right support is like living 20 years of trial and error in the matter of hours! They can tell you what they did and how they did it to get them where they are.

But, how can you be sure that your future sponsor will do the things they promise? They're some ways to evaluate your sponsor, but unfortunately there is no sure way to do this!

Should that stop you from dreaming and fighting for your dream?

If getting burned is the deciding factor in your journey to financial freedom, then no matter what I tell you or anyone else tells you, your fear will always make an excuse on why it's not right for you!

How Can I Fix My MLM Relationship

Just like there are various types of partnerships from 50/50 to silent or limited partners, even an MLM business is more like a partnership of many levels and should be treated like one.

I've found there are lots of people in a long standing business partnership (like MLM) who are not satisfied with the status of their relationship.

They may feel stuck, frustrated, angry...or all of these. They know they've been silent far too long, but just don't know what to do.
What can cause such a change in a relationship that started out with high hopes and good feelings?

Here are some of the situations I see most often. Do any of these apply to your partnership?

Avalibility Issues, or too busy

The downline feels that the sponsor is not available or the the sponsor feels that they are doing bulk of the work for thier downline.

This may have happened because there wasn't an agreement about who would do what. Job roles, responsibilities and accountability have not been discussed.

Expectations are not being met.

Expectations may be quite different for each pary. When expectations aren't met, it's a set up for negative feelings. It's important that each partner knows what to expect from the others.

The downline/sponsor has lost interest in the business or changed thinking.

Over time new attractions and options will continue to present themselves to all parties. When a partner becomes disenchanted with how the business is going, she/he is more likely to lose interest over time.

Can't talk to each other.
Communication is so critical to maintaining a viable partnership.

When partners get so busy doing their own thing that they can't find time to sit down with the other(s), they will likely start to feel less engaged. An unresolved issue can also lead to partners being unable to talk about certain things.

It's a wrong partnership.

Sometimes the partnership has been a bad match from the beginning, but it was maintained for obvious reasons.

When the primary reason for the partnership was based on personal needs more than on business needs, if those needs aren't fulfilled, the partnership will flounder. Maybe one partner thinks and acts fast and the other wants to research things in great detail. These people may never be able to function well together. Basic behaviors and traits will not likely change even if the person tries.

Are any of these your concern? How do you open the subject of improving the relationship for the good of the business realtionship? NOTE: Even if you think it may be a wrong partnership, it's worth making the effort to see if it's salvageable.
Be proactive.

How to Fix My MLM Relationship