Decoding Confusing Mixed Messages: Does He/She Like Me?

InfoTank Body Language Love Signals and Related Signs will help in decoding the confusing relationship and dating signals of the other side.

I thought he/she liked me!
Then why the sudden change?
I am confused, please help!
Does He/She like me or not?

Here are the answers you have been searching for....

Has it ever happened that you are interested in someone and are left wondering if they like you back? As you keep your intentions hidden and act normally, he/she starts to show some body language signs of interest and you think that surely they like you back.

Or, if you are still afraid to admit it to yourself, from fear that your brain, or heart rather, is taking over your judgment, and doubt that there is a mutual interest between the two of you. The people around you, your friends or colleagues, reassure you that yes! in fact he/she is also interested in you.

Your heart swells with happiness and you find yourself on cloud nine only to notice later that he/she is giving you the opposite signals of body language.

In another scenario, the opposite tends to take place. He/She doesn't show interest initially or say that they are not ready to get involved but still show body language messages of love and interest.

Does He/She like me or Not???

The previous paragraph is describing a frequent occurring event in our life: a guy approaches a girl, shows signs that he/she loves and then suddenly withdraws. Or girl displays signs love signals through body language and then withdraws.

Does this mean that he/she started to hate you?

Of course not! A variation of this example happens to everyone in any stage of life. This is not a new phenomenon and certainly not limited only to you. As we say at InfoTank that information/knowledge makes one perfect, not only practice! The difference between you, reading this article, and those that have not come here yet is that you are about to be armed with knowledge from InfoTank that will help you answer all your confusing relationship, dating and other questions. This is one of the longer articles here so get ready and InfoTank this:

So...what exactly happened then? Why has he/she been acting this way? Well, here are the reasons your particular eye candy or the love of your life has been acting this way:

Receiving No Response: When someone shows many signs that he/she is in love with someone else without getting any response or similar signs, they will start to feel hurt and insecure. They don't want to be looked upon as a fool or looser.

Because of their dignity, they will feel that they offered himself/herself to you but got no response; were not accepted. So he/she may try to pull back.

Don't despair, testing whether this was the reason or not is very simple: you just have to have enough courage to take a strong step towards him/her and see what their response will be.

Usually this strong step will show them that they were wrong in interpreting your intentions and encourage him/her to resume projecting the positive body language signs again.

Feeling that he/she Revealed too Much: In this case, the person feels that he/she has shown too much about how they feel in only a short period of time even though they are not sure about your feelings for them. In efforts to erase all obviousness he/she may start to pull back and even show negative signs all in hopes to wipe the effect of their previous behaviour.

Feeling Victorious: This is really nasty, I feel but happens all the time.

Some people, both guys and girls, have a habit of pulling back just when they feel that the other person has fallen for them.

Usually guys are notorious for doing this more. These people, or rather that person in this particular situation simply likes the hunting game for the sake of the chase.

When they discover that you have started to like them back, there is nothing else for them to do. The excitement ends when they feel that the other person has fallen for them.

Getting Programmed by Friends: Even though at some point or another we have all heard the advice: "Don't tell your buddies everything that happens", or "Don't ask your girlfriends for advice", we all have a tendency to do just that. The first people we all run to for relationship advice is our friends because they are the closest to us and always seem to be on our side. While this is good, it can distort facts about the other person for the very same reasons.

What ends up happening is that because you are not confident yourself about the situation, friends can easily convince you that he/she does not like you and that the way he/she treats you is a normal way that carries no hidden meanings. This makes you pull back a little which affects the person you like in a negative way.

Note that this same scenario can also be happening to him/her. In which case this convinces him/her of the indifference and results in his/her starting to pull back.

When Bad gets Ugly.

The worst situation that could ever happen is when both people love each other or are at least interested in each other, yet both start to withdraw because of doubts stated above. This ends the relationship before it even begins, even though both parties were interested and nothing really went wrong.

The only advice to avoid all these problems is simply one: know that in many situations (like the above-mentioned ones) the person could pull back a little. You shouldn’t be affected by these pull backs. You need to be confident in yourself and what you fell and be strong.

You just need to keep a record of the positive body language and verbal signs that he/she projects. Once you feel that you have seen enough to be confident of his/her feelings towards you, be brave and tell him/her or at least hint it and see what happens.

It is most difficult when both the positive and the negative love signs appear together. You should just disregard the negative sings, because the person may force themselves to act this way for a number of reasons but will not be able to prevent his/her subconscious mind from dropping a true sign every now and then.

Look for the body language love signals mentioned in this InfoTank article and Follow your gut!
