10 Important Resources to Increase Traffic Part II

If you use these bookmarking sites together you can introduce your own site to people who have similar interests while helping your site to increase traffic. Also this will help in linking you to possible future partners in other projects that can help you to increase your traffic and revenue online. Don't forget to read the rules of each site and make sure you stay within the guidelines and use these tools to help your site grow.

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10 Important Resources to Increase Traffic Part II
  • technorati.com– Technorati allows its million and a half visitors share their blog posts, photos, favorite videos and other favorite sites every month.
  • mybloglog.com– Combining social bookmarking and blogging into a social networking package makes this site a great place to promote your pages while finding other sites that may interest you.
  • reddit.com– users can view what’s new or what’s hot at the moment as well as see the weekly stats on this social bookmarking site.
  • stumbleupon.com– A relatively new site that combines myspace and social bookmarking where users can make multiple pages on any topic.
  • tailrank.com– Blogs often contain a lot of valuable information. This site helps to find the hot buzz online by keeping track of what is being said between blogs. Users search through topics such as politics, technology, video and entertainment or even randomly if they prefer to find out what is going on online.
Bookmarking your own site gives users of these sites easy access to your webpages. Keep an eye on sites like tailrank.com to see what other users are talking about, use that information for inspiration for your own blog. This will keep your site fresh and in line with what others are looking for online.

Remember that no bookmarking site is better, which means that you are in the best position to use them all. No choosing. And why would you want to anyways?Get the most out of social bookmarking by using a combination of several sites.

This article is part of a two-part series. Read